Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Daily Painting #205 and #206

Painting #206

I've been thinking maybe I should be listing my Ebay items at night when people are around to 'win' the bid? Because what would be the point of bidding on something if you wouldn't be able to bid on it at the end and possibly win it?

Now, the question is what is the best time of night. . .

Painting #205

This scan is not reading right - in Photoshop it looks okay - not great, but here it's getting washed out in places, I think it must have to do w/the blog automatically compressing the image, therefore it loses some of the color?

Anyhow, this was done last night before I went to a holiday party and when I came back, it didn't look right - you'd think after I got back from a holiday party it'd look better, but it didn't. So I started fussing with it again, putting in another tomato and this morning, I put in one more and a plate. All I can say is we wouldn't have #206 without #205, so be it.