Saturday, May 19, 2012

#1090 Borrowed View (Borrowed Title)

The title of this post is the title of Connie Hayes series, so I renamed it  Borrowed View, Borrowed Title.

Today, after my much anticipated visit from artist, Byron Kim, I borrowed a view to paint. As you saw, the studio here is great, but well, it's empty and therefore, it's lacking things to paint. I tried painting the studio wall, the floor, the door, the yellow chair, my studio mate (she doesn't stay put long enough to paint). I went to a yard sale to find things to paint (I seldom paint things I buy, so that was hard for me and I didn't find anything), well, you get the idea. . . so, I was rescued by an idea from a classmate to take up residence in her apartment for the afternoon off site and paint there. So, I was an artist in residence at another student's residence, oh, this is getting confusing. Oh, that painting where is it? Ooops, it is back at the studio, so I'm posting a small flower painting I did first thing this morning. Other News: I sought guidance on my larger paintings during my review with Byron Kim. His input was extremely helpful. I'm keeping a list of all the feedback so I don't forget. More News Still: If you've ever contacted me through the website Daily Painters, I most likely didn't receive it until just now. There was a glitch which is resolved (I think) but I want to apologize to anyone. On the bright side, I just got the emails and I'm having a lovely time reading them, they are encouraging and positive, but I'm not sure if I should be emailing/responding to an email just received that was sent almost a year ago. Any thoughts on email etiquette here? What to do?

still life, acrylic, 4x4"