Saturday, April 30, 2011

Three Little Bottles #703

Nothing fluffy about this painting either. . . this will all make more sense tomorrow. . . (I hope).
6x6in, acrylic, $100, click here to purchase

Friday, April 29, 2011

Chair at Dawn #702

Note, no fluffy dog next to 'Chair at Dawn.' She was still upstairs, getting her beauty rest. Speaking of beauty, tomorrow is Brie's day of beauty at the groomers. 6x6in, acrylic, $100, click here to purchase

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tree Branch (Yardment) #701

It's that time of year again. The yard is in bloom. The tree in the backyard is pink and in a few days, I'll have a pink petal covered dog, floor, couch, you the idea, at least it's pretty and smells good. . . can't say that for everything Brie, the dog, brings in from the backyard.

Other News: The SAMFund has put together a new video, presenting just what The SAMFund is all about. Sam is in the video and also four young adult cancer survivor grant recipients. I'm not going to embed the video, totally up to you if it's your thing. . . no pressure. Click here to see it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ciao. . . #700

This is my entry for the Daily Paintworks Challenge of the Week. This little panel has more paint on it than my big ones. . . I just couldn't stop myself. 4x4in, acrylic, click here to purchase, $60

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pink Tulips #699 & Blue Couch 699.5

SOLD - Pink Tulips
I got to paint this morning with Page's Tuesday Painting Group. We painted at a house with fantastic views of the bay, but you'd never know because it was so foggy. No bother though, as the interior of this house could fuel hundreds of paintings. I started with the painting of the pink tulips and chair and rugs and hall only to turn around and see another painting waiting right behind me. Blue Couch, below 6x6in, acrylic, $100 click here to purchase

Monday, April 25, 2011

#698 Mother Lode

I can't wait to go back to Antique Odyssey. I saw a pencil sharpener on the way out which would be fun to paint but I was rushing because someone was in the car with a large container of canine caviar - poor dear, didn't even realize it. 6x6in, acrylic

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Antique Odyssey #697

I hit the mother lode of bottles on my way home from my parent's house yesterday at Antique Odyssey. Here's one of the little guys I painted this morning. 4x4in, acrylic

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rainy Morning #696

To entertain Brie on this rainy day, we hung out at the car dealer (routine car stuff). They are dog friendly but since Brie insists she is not a dog, it didn't matter to her one way or another. 6x6in, acrylic

Other News: I've been very much enjoying a new blog, Fido Loves, "An Urban Guide for Boston Dogs.". So, here's a new photo of Brie, Fido Loves has made me want to take more pictures of aforementioned animal.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

#694 Leopard Apple

A rare glimpse of the lesser known, wild side of domestic apples.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Orange Star #691

This is for the new DPW Challenge. These orange star flowers are something else, they've been in bloom for a couple of weeks now. I don't know if I should be more impressed with myself for keeping them alive or them for being so resilient. 6x6in, acrylic, $100, click to purchase.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

24x24in Big Blue Flowers #688

There was no way I was fitting these beauties in a 6x6in canvas. . . I did this in two separate sittings today.

Other News; I heard there is a Village beautification project underway on Ocean Ave this weekend - I can't wait to see the results.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pantry Raid 2 #686

Either Brie, the dog, has taken up flower arranging or my parents were here while I was out. . . I came home to a HUGE bunch of flowers today! And a dog who had clearly been played with.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Morning at Page's #685

I painted at Page's this morning - she runs a painting group every week, if it's nice we go outdoors, if not, we get to paint her fantastic interior, 8x8", acrylic

Monday, April 11, 2011

4x4in Hear, Speak, See No. . . #684

I've painted these birds before, but I painted them new this a.m. for the "Chicken Challenge," over at the DPW. These chickens are extra special because one of my very special blogging pen (?) pals sent me these precious photos to use as I wish.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Understudies #683

It was a two walk, one big panel kind of day.
16x20in, acrylic on panel

Saturday, April 9, 2011

#682 Snack Time

Somebody (Brie) has been having carrot snacks lately . . . as a result I'm finding carrot crumbs around. The least crumbly food I've ever encountered, this one finds a way to make them messy. 6x6in, acrylic, $100, click here to purchase

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stretch 9x12in

Every still life from the past few days has ended up on the top of the cabinet at the end of my room. Which is making for a pretty interesting setup all on it's own. 9x12in, acrylic

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Seedlings #679

Brie and I are waiting for the annual baby tomato plant sale on the corner of Main Street (honor system, of course). 6x6in, acrylic, $100, click here to purchase

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The First Tuesday #678

The painting above is the one I did at Hingham Square on Sat. Mind you, I changed it about three more times when I got home trying to get the color 'right' - because I did not take a photo and I chased the light for approximately four hours - not the best idea I've ever had, but it was the first day outside this season, so I expected some goofing around on my part. . . the surface is gunky as a result.

After playing some more, today I did the other one (below) from the first one. trying to simplify - there's things I like about both - one thing is that hedge! And oh, the thing I was initially drawn to, the handles of the rakes and the shadow they cast, never made the final cut. . . click here to purchase below painting, 6x6in, $100 (above one is nfs - it's just too gunky to sell)

Monday, April 4, 2011

12x12in Stripey Daisy #677

12x12 inch day(s) are becoming some of my favorite days of the week. I still love my 6x6in and my 4x4in sizes too, of course. 12x12inch, acrylic on panel, $375, click here to purchase

Some photos from First Saturdays, Meet the Artists (on the Square) in Hingham. I'm already excited for the next one on May 7th. If you go to Facebook, there's more photos. . .click here

Sunday, April 3, 2011

From Hingham to Germany #676

Yesterday I was in Hingham Square painting and today, well, today I'm back in Hull but I painted Germany. The new Daily Paintworks Challenge has been posted and it's to paint from one or both of two photos taken by CM while on vacation in Germany.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Warmin' Up #675

I got up early today and repainted this to warm up for today's first outdoor painting day of the season. I'm still working on my outdoor painting. . . so, I guess now it's an indoor painting.
Anyhow, it was a fabulous painting day, thanks to everyone - for all the enthusiasm - pugs too (blogger, Paco the pug, made a special appearance today visit his blog here),

Friday, April 1, 2011

Carrot Strawberry #674

It all makes sense today! The GJWP Challenge is posted and the theme this month is "3" which explains my tricycle of yesterday. I'm going to paint it again and make the darks darker and loosen up some more.

One of my strawberries today had other plans. It wants to be a carrot, I can tell, I know these things. 6x6in, acrylic, $100 click here to purchase

Other News: Saturday, noon to four - Artists on the Square - First Saturdays - come by White Magdelena, 60 South Street, Hingham Square where some of us will be outdoors painting. It's my first time painting plein air painting this year - I'm excited to get outdoors - Visit Local Betty for more information (and I am so lucky, the weather is going to cooperate, right?).