Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Three. . . Two. . . daisies Daily Painting #303

The daisy diet looks a lot easier than it is. I threw a bunch together all happy to paint, and then remembered my plan.

So, I plucked out several and am back on track.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daisies Three and Apple One Daily Painting #302

I'm weaning myself off of daisies, tomorrow I'll paint two, then one. . . that's the plan.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Apples and Sunlight Daily Painting a Day #301

If you got my daily painting sent to your email today and there wasn't a picture, it wasn't a trick to get you to come to my blog to become a follower (although, that would have been very clever) it seems blogger had a little universal problem today - but everything seems okay now.

Oh, and no, there wasn't any sunlight today, but I thought maybe I could pretend. . .

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Apples and Lemon Slices and a FREE Daily Painting #300!!!

NFS - my 300th painting GIVEAWAY -
I admit it, I can't believe I am at number 300 -

To mark the occasion I'd like to give this painting away - but I've decided to create a little challenge - currently there are 41 Followers on my blog side bar - let's DOUBLE that - 82 - by next Sunday - and I'll have my lovely assistant, Brie the dog, choose a random follower out of a hat!

Increase your chances of a free painting and helping me to reach my goal - tell your friends to sign up. . .

Honestly, I thought I'd give up by now - but I feel ready for 300 more days, just because I can.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Daisies More Daily Painting #298


Plein Air Festivals - have you heard of these, where is there one near me, and how do I get to do it? Maybe there are people out there who would like to start one around here?

Bunch of Daisies and Lemon Wedges Daily Painting #297

No fuss! Painting at night gets the best of me, I cannot stay awake long enough for the paint to dry. The only issue with waiting until morning to scan and post is when one wakes up, the light is totally different in the day, and it creates a desire to fuss with something you've declared finished, just eight hours before, in a totally different lighting situation.

It's actually time to start a new painting, I know this, new conditions, new day but there's that meddling desire, which makes no sense because everything has changed. Move on!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Daises, Lemon Wedge, Apple Daily Painting #296

My latest order of reclaimed barn-wood frames came yesterday, they are slated for some never before seen paintings which I will deliver to White Magdelena soon. I will let you know when!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Apples in Bowl with Lemons Daily Painting #295

I really wanted to paint daisies but I took them out last minute -
I didn't miss them though! Did you hear Carol Marine is on her
1000th small, daily painting? AMAZING!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Daisies and Lemon Slices Daily Painting #294


The daisies still look good so they got another session. I cannot wait for the sunflowers and black-eyed-susans to come back - I planted a whole bunch of sunflowers last year but none came up, which is curious because I've never had that problem.

Okay, officially I've only been gardening for three years and by gardening, I mean buying seeds and little baby plants, dumping them in the ground and watching - for some reason I don't even have to water the garden - sea air maybe? Brie helps by digging alongside me. . . I'm not kidding.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daisies Take Two Daily Painting #293

I know what you're thinking - this looks just like the painting I did yesterday - Well, yesterday, you see, I cut off the top of the daisies in my painting and I thought, huh, now what would it look like if I contained the subject w/in the frame of the canvas? Yesterday, I thought cutting off something would make it look like it extends beyond the canvas, offering an imaginary bounty, continuing forever, but today, I thought, maybe things should be contained in the frame?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Daisy Petals Daily Painting #292

Did everyone happen to notice the photo of my actual self now on my blog? I keep hearing about the importance of having a photo on the blog, twitter and oh yes, facebook, I didn't actually have my face on facebook!

Well, I'm not sure this picture is what 'they' meant but half my face is there - soon, I'll present both halves!

6" x 6" acrylic on panel

Friday, March 19, 2010

Road in Cohasset Daily Painting #291

I painted on the side of the road today in Cohasset. At first, I wanted to paint water, but it was considerably colder there, so back in the car to a row of trees and a stonewall, which was great for balancing my gum, palette and brushes!

It wasn't until well into it, when I backed up to take a look at my painting that I noticed the discarded EMPTY beer cans I was standing in front of. It must have looked as if I guzzled them then tossed them over my shoulder before painting! I promise they weren't mine!

Other News: Book club tonight we read The Dreamcatcher's Tour - I wonder if I can finish it in time???

And more news still: I saw the most fantastic new cooking show today, it's called Improvise! I will tell you when it airs, I got a preview! Look for the Facebook fan page - if I knew how to link that to here, I would, but I don't.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'm painting outside tomorrow for the first time this year, I can't wait! When I started painting last year, all I wanted to do was paint outside, but it rained for almost a month (and when it wasn't raining, I wanted to kayak) - so, I decided I could try still life painting and I'm glad I did - so tomorrow, up early to paint my still life and then some other things that 'need doing' and then outside I go!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Does the camera add ten inches or pounds? I'm hoping inches, I've always wanted to be taller.
Alluring Artists - "a weekly spot showcasing local talent," on Comcast 22 and Verizon 34 - they are interviewing me in April - I'll let you know when it airs - !

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010


A little glare here on this photo - my Mac comes home tomorrow. I've been using it's understudy which does not have my scanner hooked up to.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The show must go on. . . my 'big mac' is at the shop - so my scanner is not hooked up - I took a photo instead, the image quality might be different - not sure if it's good or bad. . .

Will repost the photo and put it for sale then, right now I can't be sure I'd be representing it the best way I can.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010



Other news: Brie is three today.
And my dad's birthday is today too, he's . . . hmmmm, a little older. . .

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I promise this won't become like the eleven days of blue striped fabric.
But for now these plates are just so enjoyable to paint!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I was recently asked if I use a palette knife - I'm excited it looks like I do - but I confess, I don't.

I took a class on the subject with Rob Longley, who studied under Henry Hensche - although RL is wonderful at his technique, I could not get it down and everything I did w/the palette knife looked furry - no matter what the subject, the side of an orange for instance, furry - the wall of a building also furry. . . I would love to figure it out someday.

BUT that workshop was really interesting because Rob Longley is also a great story teller and I learned a lot about Henry Hensche and what the summer art community was like in Provincetown years ago.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



Yesterday it was full vessels and today I'm thinking about bounty.