This month's GJWP painting challenge was to paint your interpretation of "Fluffy"
(click here to see them all.) We have a month to pull this off and better yet, if you are the hostess of the challenge that month, you pick the theme!
So, there you have it, I picked Fluffy.
And at 7:05 this morning I still didn't have a painting and was off to the bakery to find something fluff worthy, Brie in tow.
For the last month, I've been encountering all things non fluffy - for instance, my glass bottles (about as unfluffy as you can get), apples (better not be fluffy), mushrooms, carrots, you get my drift. But WHAT ABOUT BRIE - she's fluffy? You're quietly asking yourself, but are too polite to mention - even she has been shorn (voluntarily) and looks a little like a small farm goat at the moment, very cute, but also, you guessed it, not so fluffy.