Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sidewalk Sale #432

sold Today was the sidewalk sale, so I painted sidewalks.
6x6" acrylic

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ocean to the Right #431

Newfoundland to the left. I met the sweetest, largest (145lbs) dog today while painting. Brie is jealous, nothing gets by her. She never gets to go on location.

The Sidewalk Sale continues tomorrow, Saturday. I'll be doing a demo at noon AND all my paintings are 20% off for this event.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Flower Tower #430

It's not too late to sign up for the workshop next week. We'll be painting at the Glades one of the days and I'll be a guest artist, it's Wed and Th. Email Page to reserve a spot.

Other News: The Sidewalk Sale continues in Hingham Square. My paintings will be 20% off AND I'll be doing a demo at noon on Saturday.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Snoopy #429

I figured out why I like this spot to paint. The little red house totally looks like Snoopy's dog house.

Other News: SIDEWALK SALE! This Thursday, Friday and Saturday at White Magdelena - the paintings that are there will be 20% off for the event AND I'll be doing a live demo on Saturday at noon outside, if rain, the inside. . .

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lookout #428

I was sitting around, eating these blueberries, thinking what, do tell, should I paint.

Oh, right.

Other News: I'm preparing for the Sidewalk Sale which is THIS Thursday, Friday and Saturday at White Magdelena in Hingham Square. I'm sorting through my year of 6x6" panels and bringing a bunch down for sale.

More News Still: I'll also be doing a demo on Saturday at White Magdelena at noon.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Little One & The Other One #427 & 427.5

I did two paintings today, The Little One, above is 6x6" and The Other One, below is 12x12" -

Other News: Brie is sulking. I took her on and errand to the bank, and even though she sat very, very still, like a seemingly well mannered dog, she did not earn a treat - I usually have a spare in my pocket for such emergencies, life is too short for needless disappointment, but I forgot.

Below, 12x12" available at White Magdelena, 781-749-0048

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sneaky #426

Hey, when did that blue vase get back in there? Little devil.

Available at White Magdelena, 781-749-0048, 6x6, acrylic

Saturday, July 24, 2010

And Then I Went Inside #425

Okay, so maybe all these days in a row outside, just calls for a still life of nice, safe vessels and one non-changing light source. I started outside today and proudly killed two paintings, just couldn't get in a groove - but I met some nice people outside, so all was not lost. And then came home and set out the blues. . . when in doubt, paint things that are blue (oh and green).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bird's Eye View #424

Despite two GPS thingys, an old friend I grew up with happened to be lost in this obscure spot at exactly the same time I was wandering around looking for the right place to set up, which, may I add happens to be one hour from where we grew up. What are the chances?

Other News; I'm still doing still lifes in my spare time, but I've just had too many fantastic opportunities to get outside, that I can't pass up! I'll bring those to White Magdelena, which incidentally, I'll be painting at tomorrow at noon. . . (Saturday).

sold 6x6"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Moo-Hoo #423

Cows do not answer to yoo-hoo, hey cow or kissy face noises.

I should know, I tried to get this cow to look at me the entire time while painting. When I realized the racket I was making, I decided to keep quiet so I wouldn't scare the uncooperative things off.

Anyhow, this particular type of cow is very rare. It's part polar-bear, part cow and part Brie, the dog. I had to make up some stuff as I went along, relying on my mental cow library that has seemingly not been updated since I was three.

Other News: I'll be doing a free, live demo of useless cow calls this Saturday at White Magdelena at noon - and I'll paint while I'm there too.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Samoset #422

I'm moving. I'm moving someplace with only stucco buildings and this kind of tiled roof. I loved painting it - it's on the other side of town. . . it's kind of eclectic architecturally around here.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Native Live Lobsters #421


The lobsters are happy. I wanted to add the lettering to red banner advertising lobsters, which incidentally is what made me want to paint this scene in the first place. But when I did put the words in, it looked weird. So, I took it out. But if you are a lobster for sale here, you're safe, because you'd never know it with my version of this sign.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Greenery #420

Does this ever happen to you, you think of a thousand things to yammer on about but the minute you sit down (at your blog) you totally forget?

Other News: There's going to be a sidewalk sale this weekend at White Magdelena in Hingham Square, I'm going to be there on Saturday selling my goods. At noon I'll paint too.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chock Full Of #419

Had I not left the house last night, I would have been right back to painting flowers in the blue vase. But thankfully, I did leave the house and got to see many, many, many paintings by an area artist I admire. And because of this I realized, flowers can be put in anything. . . like a coffee can!

Other News: I'm out of coffee.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Witch Stockings #418.5

I painted outside of White Magdelena this morning too, but finished this up before I left- still in the spirit of no blue vase (withdrawal setting in, getting a little cranky).

This one is an 8x8" please contact White Magdelena 781-749-0048 to purchase.

Friday, July 16, 2010

No Problem #417

What are the chances? I had such good luck today, I was having a difficult time interpreting some of the coloring on the actual boat - I just didn't know what to do and lo and behold, the boat owners started painting that part of their boat!!! More specifically the part I couldn't figure out! And even better, they chose a new red color - now red, that's my color - what a strange coincidence. If only all of life's problems could be painted a favorite color - precisely as one needed it!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Understudy #416

I promised myself no blue cup today. So, the white one stood in. I should do some sort of group of just blue vase paintings, really, it's not that I'm short on ceramics, believe me. But for good behavior today, I'll reward myself tomorrow by. . . yup, painting the blue vase!

Other News: On Saturday I'll be near White Magdelena painting - if you pop in at noon I'll be there.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Impulse Purchase #415

The baby eggplant was irresistible, I strayed from my shopping list. Today I paint it, tonight I eat it. I know, just not right somehow.
Other News: These flowers are the same exact color as the carnival tent, weird.
More News Still: I finished a 12x12" today too, it's below.
12x12" available at White Magdelena, 781-749-0048

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Carnival #414

My only regret today was leaving before the cotton candy machine was set up.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sing-Along #413

This boat is singing to itself or at the very least whistling. It's a boat that is in a particularly good mood, I can tell, I know these things. . .

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chicken Coop & New Light #412

I painted under a very kind apple tree today (it did not drop any apples on my head). Today was the Hull Secret Garden Tour and way up on top of Allerton Hill there was a refreshing breeze, the nicest hosts and the most interesting things to paint.

This is one of the little paintings I did today it's the chicken coop and the greenhouse - the greenhouse was intimidating, I thought HOW am I going to make this look like a greenhouse? But what really drew me to this area in the first place was the heart on the shutter of the coop. I had to wait until I got home to put the heart in with a much smaller brush. I generally don't use a small brush so I don't travel with one, but the heart on the shutter was a detail I couldn't leave behind.

This below was not done on the tour, but I was experimenting with a different light earlier, so I thought I'd show you. As I live with these flowers, I have come to realize, I really like their underside. . . that weird orangey yellow color is fun to make and experimenting with it's values has been good for me.

Click here to purchase below painting - $100

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hanging Around #411

I painted almost at the front of White Magdelena today - I keep getting closer and closer to high visibility (the front). . . Sunday is the garden tour, I'll be at 17 Tierney Ave in Hull from 10 - noon.

Click here to purchase $100 6x6" acrylic on panel

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here's the Plan #409

I killed three paintings before this one happened. Oh well - it's all good fun.

Other News: I'm painting at 17 Tierney Street for the Hull Secret Garden Tour on Sunday from 10 - noon - weather permitting, I've been looking forward to this since last year!

More News Still: Kayaked today - kayaking friend on vacation this week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Figment Park #408

The random security words one has to type into websites to make sure one is indeed a real human person make great titles for paintings. . . I keyed Figment Park in earlier today to some website I was commenting on, buying from and/or perusing . . .

Other News: We haven't played my favorite game in awhile. . .
Guess Brie's Oddment.
If you are new to the blog, I signed Brie, the dog/office assistant - but soon to be agent/art collector, up for one of Duane Keiser's Oddments. We are enthusiastically awaiting #308 but in the meantime it's fun to guess what my very own (er, um, I mean Brie's) Oddment will be. Today she's hoping for a still life of kibble.

Click here to purchase $100 6x6" acrylic

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

North Star #407

sold This mug is from a vintage set called North Star. This design has been finding me on an off over the years, at junk stores and antique shows - I have a lot, but not a complete set yet.

Other News: Brie's on her third bowl of ice.

6x6" acrylic on panel

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fifth of July #406

Another little one w/the same fabric. Bored yet? Sadly, I'm not. I'm also posting the 12x12" I finished and guess what? This morning I finished a 24x24" I started - last summer. I know, what was I waiting for, right?Well I had started it at a workshop and it wasn't until yesterday, during my 100millionth walk by of it, that I realized, I could just set something similar up again and finally finish it!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wrap-Around Porch #405

Just when I thought I'd never paint anything but sunflowers again, the daisies made their appearance in the garden. So did some weird vine, which I'm pretty sure is a weed, but I digress. Maybe sunflowers and daisies together?

Other News: Brie had a two night slumber party and is back, fluffier than ever.

More News Still: I got to go kayaking two days in a row - I know! Such luck! And I did a 12x12" painting this weekend too, I've got to scan it in but then I'll post it.

NFS - traveling for review at the moment

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Peace & Plenty #404

When one spends a few weeks, being shy in the same back alley, one starts to see all sorts of things that one did not see before. . . the back alley (okay, it's a walkway, alley sounds more interesting) has plenty of things to paint.
To purchase, contact White Magdelena - 781-749-0048 - 60 South St, Hingham Square Tu-Sat 10-5

Friday, July 2, 2010

Check #403

I'm having another one of those painting spells in which I can't get enough of painting the same thing over and over. I now want a yard full of sunflowers. I planted some once but, er, um, I didn't plant them in the sun. I know, how'd I mess that up?

Other News: Kayaking tonight!!! YIPPPEEEEE!

More News Still: Live, painting demo, Saturday, Hingham Square, behind or beside White Magdelena - if you come at noon you'll be sure to catch me. . .

N/A HVA Theater Fundraiser

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Up #402

I've been enjoying Artists Helping Artists on Blog Talk Radio, with Leslie Saeta and Dreama Tolle Perry - I particularly like this one episode, because they mention me! listen here But today's is just as good too because they talk to Carol Marine. . . my favorite!
