Good News; Duane Keiser has just completed Oddment painting #207 - Brie, the dog/art collector, is eagerly awaiting her Oddment, #308 - so, with 101 more until ours, er, um, hers, you know what that means. . . Plenty of time to play my favorite game, Guess Brie's Oddment - since it doesn't exist yet we have no idea what it will be - (for Oddment defined, scroll down. . .)
I love Duane Keiser's work and can't wait to find out the subject of our Oddment. I hope it's not a bug - Brie's now wishing it'll be a painting of the cute little Cockapoo up the hill.
Back to today's painting; I chose this setup because of the playful polk-a-dot fabric. And when I finished I realized, I forgot to put the dots in - all work no play - so I put them in.
More still; This little pink flower is pretty much the only thing left in the front yard now. . .