Thursday, July 16, 2020

4067 Wed Post - How to D.S.D. a.k.a. - how to avoid crowds (read all people), all indoor things, and all outdoor things that are too squishy (read risky) with aforementioned people

still life, acrylic, 6" x 6"

Day 3 of 'Do Something Different' - a.k.a. - how to avoid crowds (read people), all indoor things, and all outdoor things that are way too squishy (read risky) with aforementioned people.
This week I've upped my outdoor activities to two walks a day, one or two kayaks a day (winds and lightening permitting), working on printing a rather large binder of papers for organizational and promotional purposes (which admittedly would be more successful if my printer worked properly) and adding some new work to the website - like a map of the ocean (to scale) and soon to come, my long awaited (by no one) daily spider - 
I also took Olive to see her first lighthouse, she remains unimpressed.