Dashing through the snow has new meaning when it comes to this time of year and daily painting.
I usually get up at five during 'real life' (not holiday life) to paint - but holiday things have kept me up way after my bedtime, so five is not an option.
I love the holidays but have found it challenging fitting in the reveling and the painting while still allowing myself enough time to ponder such questions as, "What IS figgy pudding and how do you know if you've had too much of it?"
Speaking of questions, does anyone know how to make an Ebay auction end later than when you've posted it?
I find myself posting early evening, but just read Ebay auctions get the most 'action' from 4:30 - 8:30 PST - soooo, if I'm posting here on the East Coast at 4-ish, for instance, that's just no good for the West Coast, or anyone for that matter. So how do I post before I go to sleep, but have the auction start later therefore end later?