Monday, January 31, 2011

This and That 12x12" #615

I'm having some growing pains over here - as I've mentioned my painting to your inbox is only half working - soooo, I am trying a new service (mail chimp) to send it.

However, for those of you still getting a little bit of me to your inbox daily, you might now get twice of me but JUST for tomorrow.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I definitely appreciate your patience and I'm undoing one of the lists on my end, so please don't worry (and please, please don't unsubscribe me), I'm fixing it here. But tomorrow might be a bit flukey. . .

In between email stuff I did a 12x12" today. I'm thinking about summer hanging out with lemons and daisies. Seems the more summery stuff I find, the more snow we get - but I do love the snowshoeing, I went yesterday and stayed upright again!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Three #614

With all this snow, it's hard to believe I was ever plucking daisies from the front lawn.

These daisies are not from the yard, but they'll do and I'm kind of living up to my indulgent promise of having flowers around all winter. I'm even growing some sort of tropical jungle-like thing a college friend mailed me. . . it seems to be working, er, um growing.

Tomorrow I'm resolving my 'painting to your inbox 50% working' issue.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mini Tea #612

Since I liked doing the big painting of this setup yesterday, I figured I'd do a smaller one too. Okay, yes, yes, I did this in reverse one is supposed to do a small one first and then the big one - but who's to know?

Other News: My fairy dust is only partially working - for instance, one of my email accounts gets my daily update and the other doesn't. . . that fairy is now half fired.

I'm looking into resolving this by using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp, anyone have any other suggestions?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

12x12 Passing Through #611

Sometimes, when I work on the bigger ones, I tend to chase the light as it changes. This one made me promise not to.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Little One #610

Thank you everyone for voting on the paintings for The SAMFund tribute card!

Rumor has it, the fairy dust may have worked. . . magical.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where Are We Going? #610

My painting straight to your inbox might not be working. Of course, I don't know how you'd know that if that's how you get this . . . well, anyhow, not sure what that's all about, but I'm going to sprinkle some fairy dust on it and see if that fixes it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

#609 Honey Jar and daisies 12x12"

I've been playing around with a website to put my bigger paintings on. I had done one in Dreamweaver but sometimes don't have the time to change images in and out, so I just signed up for a site on Other People's Pixels, it's a work in progress, but they make it so easy!

This 12x12" is acrylic on panel

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just a Bunch #607 & the unveiling. . .

Playing around with softer light. . . and it occurred to me, why not put the actual painting of Brie as Odalisque in this post so you can see it.

Other News; I dropped some new paintings off at White Magdelena today. . .

And now, without further ado, Brie as Odalisque. . .

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bunches #606 12" x 12"

I love snowy days.

This is a 12" x 12", acrylic on panel. . .

Other News; Brie, the curator, is cataloging our latest acquisition. . . Brie, as Odalisque by Kimberly Santini arrived and I love it!

"Bunches" 12x12", acrylic on panel

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two of a Kind #605 and help pick the top three

After yesterday's painting, I needed something a little more subdued. 4x4", acrylic.

Other News: The SAMFund* has chosen their five favorite daily paintings for an upcoming tribute card. But they need your help (huh, this sounds like a pledge drive, I promise it's not).

They've gone through all 604 paintings (wow!) and have come up with five but would like you to help by voting for your favorite three. . . the winning ones will be made into tribute cards. . . to vote here's the link to their blog scroll down to see the five finalists. . .

*The SAMFund is one of my favorite places to volunteer. The SAMFund stands for "Surviving and Moving Forward," and exists to "support young adults as they get back on their feet after cancer treatment." And they've awarded $600,000 in grants in scholarships to individuals across the U.S.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cows and Horizon #603

More cows.

Other News; Brie's adapted the idea of 'bringing the outdoors in' - today she demonstrated this by stick chewing in the living room. Too cold outside, I suppose.

6x6", acrylic

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter Across the Street #601

The house across the street just looks so pretty with the patches of snow still on the roof and the little opening in the tremendous hedges.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

600! Twirl

#600 should be a sugar bowl, I thought this morning. . . but I also thought it could have been a daisy, or a dog (Brie, of course), or a blue vase. Then I thought, #600 wasn't going to paint itself and I was already two cups of coffee into this deliberation. . . I had better do something. . . so, I settled on a little 4x4" (dancing) sugar bowl.

Other News: Went snowshoeing today and stayed upright this time. . .

More News Still: Brie has become the subject of a very special painting by Kimberly Santini, check out "Brie as Odalisque" here. . .

4x4", acrylic

Friday, January 14, 2011

Moustache #599

And when I noticed my peppers kind of looked like a moustache, I still didn't move them.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

After Snow #598 12" x 12"

The snow day was yesterday but it allowed me to catch up on all sorts of things so I could paint a 12" x 12" today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Salt & Pepper #596

This painting has a 'b' side - I have some very bad habits, like flipping the panel over and painting on the back if I don't like how it's going.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Good Fit #595

It seems fitting that after painting a 12"x12" yesterday, today I would resort to the confines of a 4 x 4" -

I started working on another 12x12" one today too but it's not done yet.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So Far #594 12" x 12"

I'm planning on painting bigger on a more regular basis. I started this plan today today. . . so far, so good. I set up a few of my favorite things I've painted recently.

Brie, however, thought I should paint her favorite things, a jar of peanut butter, a stick of butter and a rancid stuffed yellow duck which plays jingle bells when she rolls over on it (typically in the middle of the night).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Espresso #593 'hot coffee' - subtitle by samartdog

Pepper in an espresso cup. I've been prop shopping in the backs of the kitchen cabinets.

4x4", acrylic

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sharon #591

I'm now going to name my paintings people names.

No, no, I'm not, this is what this fruit is called. I thought it was a persimmon, but this persimmon looking creature is more square in shape and therefore is a Sharon - when did fruits start getting first names?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yellow Pages #590

Other News: Brie, museum security, thought it her afternoon duty to bark ferociously at the telephone book that was delivered to the side porch.

More News Still: The new GJWP monthly challenge is posted. This month we painted the subject glass. Click here to visit the GJWP blog.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cha Cha Cha #589

I also brought home a lot of fruit from the store - If I were a dancing banana, I could wear it on my head, I've got that much fruit.

And two itty bitty looks at part of the figure painting I was playing w/yesterday, I like the car and the girl. . they were part of a bigger composition (still are) but I will not reveal it. . . it's got it's issues at the moment.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Go Figure #588

The bowls were so fun to paint first thing this morning, I thought I'd paint the human figure this afternoon. . . looks like a New Year's Resolution has found me.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Discovery #587

I just noticed, it's not any old honey, it's GINGER honey - oh dear me, this model is not much longer for this world, I'm already lining up what to slather it on this week. It's the little things, like honey bees I'm most happy about.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Honey #586

I am surprised and delighted to have been notified that I received the Stickability Award, a Making a Mark Award (2010). Making a Mark is an informative blog with varying topics all revolving around art.

I don't know exactly what to say (write) and Brie, the office assistant, is no help in thank you speech writing, come to find out.

Thank you.

I am sincerely happy to be recognized for painting each day. I look forward to waking up every morning and painting, thank you to Katherine Tyrell for granting such a unique award and hosting such an excellent blog and to Kimberly Santini for nominating me.